Tuesday, February 20, 2007

My Feelings on the paper Cry the Beloved Country

I have mixed feelings about writing this paper. I do not think that the paper that I wrote:
A. Was an adequate display of my knowledge of the book
B. Did justice to the book and the ever present but also hidden themes that persist throughout the book

But in the end I think my paper was pretty good. I really did like posting it on the blog. For some strange reason it gave me a sense of accomplishment. My paper felt like a finished project.

Next time I am definitely going to put more me into it. I am going to be more creative. This time I was just really hung up on writing the paper because it was our first time. I thought it was going to be hard to get the required amount of words but it turned out to be really easy and almost insane to not exceed 750 words.

I really did enjoy the book Cry, the Beloved Country and I think that I displayed that attentive interest through my paper.

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